Monday, May 24, 2010

Working on our Hoop Flow Journal

Hillary Heart and Kandice Korves-Kaus are working on the Hoop Flow Handbook that will compliment their upcoming Healing HoopDance Retreat at Kripalu (on the East Coast) July 16-18th, 2010.

The handbook has a working title of "Primordial Spin- an interactivation guidebook" and is intended to be a guide for flow artists to explore, discover and cultivate their flow potential. Filled with knowledge, diagrams, visualizations, meditations, and various exercises, along with plenty of room to journal; it is a book that is intended for personal growth and transformation through the flow arts (with a focus on hoopdance).

This Guide Book will be a complimentary part of their Retreat, each student will receive one and will be guided to use it throughout the weekend. And, it will soon be available for purchase on the website and at future events that you can find Holistic Hooping at.

We will keep you updated on its' progress and let you know when it is available!

For more information on their upcoming Healing HoopDance Retreat:

Friday, May 14, 2010

We're performing at Lightning in a Bottle!

Our troupe, Liquid Fire Mantra is performing at LIB this year! We will be sharing our new Ritual Theater show called Dreams. We hope that you join us!
Check it out: