Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kandice Korves-Kaus

Kandice Korves-Kaus
Kandice was the 'Photo of the Day' on Hooping.org today!
This photo was taken at the Oakland Museum Grand Re-Opening earlier this year!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Holistic Hooping YouTube Channel!

Testing, testing- one, two, three! We are now going LIVE on YouTube (finally)! We are super excited to be able to have this avenue to share our hoop circle with our commUNITY! Spreading the HOOP LOVE- that's what it is about!

Our YouTube Channel will include...you guessed it...
Videos of Holistic Hooping (and friends) hoop, LED hoop and fire hoop performances, tutorials, interviews, demos and more!

Check it out, subscribe to our page, leave a comment...we love your feedback and participation!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dec. 11th- Holiday HOOPla Playtime (hoop class)

Holiday HOOPla!

Want to escape your holiday shopping and preparations
just for a couple of hours?
Want to get active with friends, indoors, in the warmth of a hoop?

Join us for a one-time-opportunity!

SAT., DEC. 11th, 2010
fee: $25

Sebastopol Center for the Arts
-Music and Movement Room-
6780 Depot St. Sebastopol, CA 95472

This multi-level, all-ages HOOP playtime is designed to reduce stress and infuse the dancers with joy and grace!

(Beginners will get a 'crash course' download on the basics.
More advanced hoopers will be encouraged to reach another breakthrough).

This could be a chance for you to just get away,
let loose and have fun this holiday season!

Please pre-register and pre-pay for this Sat. Playtime by e/mailing us at: info@holistichooping.com

OR by calling us at: (707) 874-2387

OR by sending a PAYPAL payment directly to:


Hoops will be provided for use at playtime.
Or you may purchase one there.

Or you can pre-purchase one to be hand delivered to you at playtime-
just call or e/mail for more info.

Please bring:
-water to drink
-comfortable non-slip clothes to wear (no silk, satin, etc.)
-comfortable shoes if you choose to wear them
-and, if you have one- your HOOP!

For any questions or to register for Playtime, please e/mail:

HOOPY HULADAYS from HolisticHooping.com!

The Teacher:
Kandice Korves-Kaus has been sharing the art of hoopdance for ten years; teaching and performing internationally, nationally and locally in
N. California, where she resides with her husband and partner Andrew Kaus.

Her distinctive style of teaching blends hoopdance physics
and a spiritual/metaphysical philosophy into what has been dubbed
Holistic Hoopology.

She and/or her Holistic Hooping team has taught at events such as the New Living Expo's Movement Playground (facilitated by Conscious Dancer Magazine), the Sacred Circularities Hoopdance Retreat in Bali, and their own Holistic Hoopdance Retreat at the famous
Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health on the east coast!

 For more information on HOOPdance Classes, Retreats and
Hoops for purchase, please visit:

Friday, December 3, 2010

HOOPdance Classes in Sebastopol, CA (Dec.'10-Feb.'11)

Upcoming Holistic HOOPdance Classes in Sebastopol!

Sebastopol Center for the Arts -Music and Movement Room-
6780 Depot St. Sebastopol, CA 95472

Facilitated by HolisticHooping.com!


Holiday HOOPla!
SAT., DEC. 11th, 2010
fee: $25

This multi-level, all-ages HOOP playtime is designed to reduce stress and
infuse the dancers with joy and grace!
(Beginners will get a 'crash course' download on the basics.
More advanced hoopers will be encouraged to reach another breakthrough).
New Year Holistic HOOPdance Class
Sat., Jan. 22nd, 2011
fee: $30

This multi-level HOOPdance class is designed to introduce you to the terminology and techniques of Holistic Hoopology.
(Whether you are a beginner that wants a 'crash course' on hooping,
or you are a more advanced hooper that wants to experience our modality,
this will be your opportunity to start 2011 off with the Healing HOOP!).
HoopDance Basics- 4-Week Class Series
Wed.- Jan. 26th-Feb. 16th
80-minute classes
total tuition: $120

Hoopdance basics introduces the movements, motions and flow of the hoop. 
Catering to beginning hoopers, you will learn skills and techniques that will bring you better
body awareness, hand-eye coordination, and balance.
Beyond HOOP Basics- 4-Week Class Series
Wed.- Jan. 26th-Feb. 16th
80-minute classes
total tuition: $120

Beyond HOOP Basics will focus on your next evolution as a hoopdancer.
Catering to who already have hoop experience, we will explore your 'flow' on a deeper level,
bringing new moves to your repertoire and combining them with smooth transitions,
sustained spinning and graceful plane changes.
You will also be introduced to CHAKRA Hoopdance!
Ground-Center-Elevate- HoopDance!

Please pre-register and pre-pay for any of these classes by e/mailing us at: info@holistichooping.com

OR by calling us at: (707) 874-2387

OR by sending a PAYPAL payment directly to:


The Teacher:
Kandice Korves-Kaus has been sharing the art of hoopdance for ten years; teaching and performing internationally, nationally and locally in
N. California, where she resides with her husband and partner Andrew Kaus.

Her distinctive style of teaching blends hoopdance physics
and a spiritual/metaphysical philosophy into what has been dubbed
Holistic Hoopology.

She and/or her Holistic Hooping team has taught at events such as the New Living Expo's Movement Playground (facilitated by Conscious Dancer Magazine), the Sacred Circularities Hoopdance Retreat in Bali, and their own Holistic Hoopdance Retreat at the famous
Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health on the east coast!

 For more information on HOOPdance Classes, Retreats and
Hoops for purchase, please visit: